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Dweezil posted a comment on the blog post COUNTDOWN TO ROXPOSTROPHY!

I got swamped with work! I'm trying to get the rest of the videos up asap!......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the video Dweezil Lick Contest entry

Great work! Thanks for taking the time to participate in the challenge!......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the video Lick challenge 2024

It's in there somewhere. Thanks for taking the time to mess with the lick!......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the video Lick and a prayer

You've got most of it!......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the video Dweezil `s Lick Pedal Challenge Entry

Yugo, it's great to see you here. Great job with the lick! I'm sure you will put the concept to good use.......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the video Dweezil Zappa Lick Challenge Entry!

Ray, you have taken the idea to new places. Sounds excellent!......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the video The Dweezil Lick

Wow! Great extension of the line too. Nice work!......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the video Fly On The Wall

Hey Bill, It was set up to be a fly on the wall experiment. There wouldn't be a running commentary if it was just me playing on my own. That being said, I do think it would be good to have the ability to give some insight......Read more

Happy Independence Day, Rockstar!


Did you find the Provocative Squats blog to be offensive? It wasn’t meant to be anything except silly. And, Dua Lipa is smoking hot. Pardon me, sir. No offense was intended. 200 Motels n stuff. 

Patric  Chenaux

Cher Dweezil, your talent is incredible. You take at your father music a dimension actually. Thank you for your music. It is very great, very good. Your music is interesting, strong, brilliant, beautiful. I like it. Thank you. Friendly. Patric Chenaux. 


Thanks DZ! 

Steve Thorne

Got tickets for four shows. Looking forward to wishing you a happy birthday in person this year.

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