Lip Cora (Purposeful Porpoise)
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Lip Cora (Purposeful Porpoise) became friends with Michael R.

Lip Cora (Purposeful Porpoise) became friends with DaveOC

Lip Cora (Purposeful Porpoise) liked the forum post Re: tour schedule
Hello everyone. There are no plans for touring in 2023. Will update here on if there are any changes. Dweezil......Read more

Lip Cora (Purposeful Porpoise) updated his profile

Lip Cora (Purposeful Porpoise) posted a comment on the group THE MEETING PLACE!
Hi guys! New to the site but not new to DZW, I was here in the early days but around 2015 i decided to take a break from music to pursue running and boxing for my mental and physical health. I've been out of the music scene......Read more

Lip Cora (Purposeful Porpoise) joined the group THE MEETING PLACE!

Lip Cora (Purposeful Porpoise) updated gear