Einar F.

It’s so GREAT to participate as a listener in this series.  I think that a lot of us needed this EVH tribute...I know it’s helping me.  With his passing, it feels like ‘FUN’ (in its entirety) took a huge knock. This helps!!

In the mid 80’s, I was a guitar playing teen in CT from a town (New Britain) which wasn’t very far away from where Blues launched.  He was even (innocuously) working at Creative Strings the day I picked up my Candy Apple Red Kramer Baretta.  Of course, I had no idea that the moment was significant but it did FEEL significant.  Creative Strings (Creative Music/Creative Percussion) had sort of an avant-garde jazz affect to it.  The kids of the day didn’t need much retrospect under their feet to convey:  ‘Proverbial Ascot Dudes, you’re a Kramer Dealer about to be overrun!!’ .  The whole thing...the whole trip...was ENERGETIC & ENTHUSIASTIC.  The Van Halen tide...❤️.  

(I’m not sure if Blues could feel the support at the time but there were (& are) an awful lot of spirited CT people rooting for his continual success.  It’s cool to know that he’s such an endearing person.  (And, his CT reference to doilies are damn-accurate to these ears.  Cracked me up!!).  Can’t wait for Part II!!


Hi Einar,

Thanks for your kind words. It's nice to hear that this series is being regarded with such positivity. Funny that you have that CT connection with Blues!

Ralph P.

Hey Einar - what a small world!  I grew up in East Hartford CT and me and my guitar playing friends used to see Blues at Creative ALL THE TIME!!  We were a few years older and would always see him in there.  Even back then in the mid-80s, we knew the kid could play so its no surprise that he would find later success.  

and Dweezil - thanks so very much for doing this series - its staggering to me of the lasting impact that EVH made in our world (and our lives) and its fitting that you are the force driving this project.



I'm from CT too. I had no idea that's where Blues is from.




Another great episode... While I wish all the content was available all at once because it's solid gold. I most grateful I cannot blast through it. Savoring it is surely best...

Couple things... Women And Children First is 40 years plus old. Being 55 I wish 1980 was only 30 years ago :P  And those are "turnbuckles" on the Shark guitar. Obtainable at any hardware store.  Or know by some as "Tone Killers." Ed installed them because his butcher job took too much meat out of the body and it was coming apart according to few old interviews. 

During the opening of Everybody Wants Some, where Ed does the various "sound effects" at the .53 second mark there is a ripping/scrape like the sound that always reminded me of the creeping sound the eggs made opening up in the Alien movies made... I was hoping that might be explained. 


Thanks again for the awesome content!


Hi John,

Glad you're liking the episodes! Thanks for your insight and commentary on the turnbuckles! I'll listen for the sound you mentioned at .53 and see if I can possibly shed some light on it for you.



Me and my rocker buds gave nicknames for the sounds Ed made in that part of the song back in the day.  The first one was the "Scooby" The sound Ed makes for the first one sounds a bit like Scooby talking.  Second one the Alien egg-opening sound.(My personal favorite) The third was the "Rocket", and the last one was called the "Boomerang"

Remembering Paul Gilbert's, "Snarly Dog Lick" comment. The solo in,  And the Cradle will Rock has some, which sound really neat in the cleaner sound the 3rd album had. 


Matthew J.

Laughing my ass off during this episode!!!!


Good times!

David McCain

Blues Saraceno ( legendary guitarist, amazing composer, DZ's friend and my personal hero ): " I was brought to a Allman Brother's concert in a brown paper bag. . . "




( By the way, my lungs are SORE beyond belief!!! ). 


I was NOT expecting that moment. Damn. . .great job you two. Just fantastic. 


I'm glad you're enjoying it!


Hey Dweezil, just curious... I had a coupon sent to me for the free subscription to Premier Guitar and when I enter the coupon number it says it does not exist. Is there a someone to contact regarding that? Thanks for any info. Cannot wait to dive into the newest episode.



I'll definitely get you connected with the right people at Premier Guitar to sort that out.

Best, DZ

Matthew J.

I had a similar issue- I called the 800# on Premier’s site and was taken care of very quickly and professionally.