
“We was sittin' ducks for the police man
They found a dirty faced kid in a paper baaaaag.”




Looking at the purchase options this the podcast packages, but don't see if the episodes are streaming only or downloadable as well. I like to be able to listen offline. Thanks.

Edit: scrolled up this post and read the streaming and download options, but don't see that on the main purchase page in the nav - Glad to see it - lossless downloads are the clincher for me. Thanks!


Hi CEddy,

Thanks! Yes, the episodes are downloadable. The download info is listed on each bundle page at the bottom. I hope you enjoy the series!

  • All 14 Individual Van Halen Album Podcast Episodes will be available for streaming and download A LA CARTE.
  • For Total Pricing Flexibility - A LA CARTE Album Episodes are $2.99   

The live stream audio resolution is 16bit-44.1k @ 320kbps. When downloading the episodes, the downloads will be high-resolution FLAC files at no extra cost.

Once the content is purchased, the files can be downloaded, then loaded into any preferred audio player, such as (Apple Music or Spotify or similar) or using an internet connection, the files can simply be streamed from directly to a preferred computer or phone.

Reward Points earned by community members contribute to even better pricing options for all products on the site. The more love you show, the more your rewards grow!

Matthew J.

On the DLR line from "Everybody Wants Some" I had to try and figure this out too.  I found the following 3 different answers on different lyric websites:

1. I took a mobile light, lookin' for a moonbeam

2. I seen a lotta people lookin' for a moonbeam

3. I've seen the people that are lookin' for a moonbeam

I then found this interesting note on a webiste that's called "songfacts":  

For the first line in the second verse, Roth meant to sing, "I've seen a lot of people just looking for a moonbeam," but forgot the words when he was recording it and just slurred out some gibberish that came close. They liked the attitude in the vocal, so they kept it anyway. The resulting lyric became the topic of wide speculation, but it couldn't be misheard because it was misspoken to begin with.

Then I found a similar clarification form a site called "song meanings" and it's supposedly Dave's own words, from 'Crazy from the Heat':

In the song "Everybody Wants Some," I think the original lyric was, "I've seen a lot of people just lookin' for a moonbeam." That doesn't sizzle and snap, crackle and pop for you like going, "Sheepa lotta peepah dabba looka foh a moonbeam," and it means so much more, and you're adding a little editorial. You're throwing in an opinion -- so critically important in the first verse. Even more so in the second.


Everything on the internet is true so I have no reason to doubt any of these possibilities.



Thanks for the info! It was fun trying to figure it out anyway! I usually don't pay much attention to the lyrics in songs because the instrumentation and the playing of the instruments is generally more interesting to me.


That was great, really funny too can't  wait for part 2


Hi Simon, There's more deep dive and shenanigans in the next episode!

Einar F.

It’s so GREAT to participate as a listener in this series.  I think that a lot of us needed this EVH tribute...I know it’s helping me.  With his passing, it feels like ‘FUN’ (in its entirety) took a huge knock. This helps!!

In the mid 80’s, I was a guitar playing teen in CT from a town (New Britain) which wasn’t very far away from where Blues launched.  He was even (innocuously) working at Creative Strings the day I picked up my Candy Apple Red Kramer Baretta.  Of course, I had no idea that the moment was significant but it did FEEL significant.  Creative Strings (Creative Music/Creative Percussion) had sort of an avant-garde jazz affect to it.  The kids of the day didn’t need much retrospect under their feet to convey:  ‘Proverbial Ascot Dudes, you’re a Kramer Dealer about to be overrun!!’ .  The whole thing...the whole trip...was ENERGETIC & ENTHUSIASTIC.  The Van Halen tide...❤️.  

(I’m not sure if Blues could feel the support at the time but there were (& are) an awful lot of spirited CT people rooting for his continual success.  It’s cool to know that he’s such an endearing person.  (And, his CT reference to doilies are damn-accurate to these ears.  Cracked me up!!).  Can’t wait for Part II!!


Hi Einar,

Thanks for your kind words. It's nice to hear that this series is being regarded with such positivity. Funny that you have that CT connection with Blues!

Ralph P.

Hey Einar - what a small world!  I grew up in East Hartford CT and me and my guitar playing friends used to see Blues at Creative ALL THE TIME!!  We were a few years older and would always see him in there.  Even back then in the mid-80s, we knew the kid could play so its no surprise that he would find later success.  

and Dweezil - thanks so very much for doing this series - its staggering to me of the lasting impact that EVH made in our world (and our lives) and its fitting that you are the force driving this project.



I'm from CT too. I had no idea that's where Blues is from.