Ted Sikora

Loved episodes 6&7! Runnin' With The Dweezil is my favorite podcast series ever! It's informative, hilarious... surprising. You're creating possibly THE definitive analysis of the greatest rock guitarist of all time. Thank for all the extras which are well worth the wait. I'm in no hurry for this to end, so another vote for taking your time so we can all savor the flavor.

Matthew S.

Episode 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Listening to it as I type this...love it.  Thank you Dweezil, well worth the wait

Bryan S.

Hey Dweezil. 
It’s come up a few times in the podcast: the “tinkle” noise at the beginning of Runnin’ With the Devil. I’ve always seen it described and transcribed as raking the strings behind the nut. Doing that never sounded right but I figured it was different guitars or some other variable. Recently I happened to rake the strings on a Gibson between the Tune-O-Matic bridge and stopbar and there it was! Just like the song. Normally I wouldn’t make a public announcement over something so trivial, but this is the level of detail I’ve really enjoyed on these podcasts and though I’d share mine. Keep up the great work; it is appreciated

Allen G.

Eddie used the Ibanez Destroyer to record “Runnin’ With The Devil’ and it is indeed a rake behind the Tune-O-Matic bridge. Interestingly, he does it THROUGHOUT the recording, not just in the intro. This occurs in many instances when he is holding the D triad at the 7th fret of the D, G and B strings. You can hear it if you listen carefully to the isolated track. 

I demonstrate this in a clip I made with my own 1976 Ibanez Destroyer which is tuned to the correct tuning offset that Eddie used on the album: 


Nice demonstration! Sounds great.

Allen G.

Thanks very much! It blew my mind when the soloed tracks came out and you could really hear the extra “behind the bridge rakes” DURING the song in addition to the well known one that kicks off the tune. Now I can’t un-hear it, even when I listen to the finished album version!  

On a related note, I’m not playing the riff quite right in this clip because I’m not getting the quick pick scrape into the riff. I know you have mentioned how Ed showed you that quick pick scrape part when he showed you how to play the whole riff on that fateful day...can you describe or demonstrate how to perform that pick scrape in combination with the standard left hand slide? I recall you mentioning that he showed you how he held the pick for this part as well. Of all the work I’ve done on transcribing Ed over the last 30 plus years, I STILL struggle with that one little pick slide and integrating it properly into the riff!

Vinicius  M.

Hi Dweezil, 


I’m loving the podcast! 
Hey, have you thought about doing an episode with Phil X (Bon Jovi, The Drills)? 
He’s a HUGE EVH fan. 
