Concert Memories

Concert Memories

I think this year (2024) will be the 5th time I’ve seen Dweezil. Always a great show.

Long lost memorabilia

Long lost memorabilia

I think this was when Ray White was a featured player. Correct me if I’m wrong I know he was on one of the tours I saw. From a Great show I want to say at the triple door. My bro found it recently. I think I have a signed...
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Me and Dweezil

Me and Dweezil

Moore Theater 6/14/2010 Backstage with Dweezil. I can’t believe almost 14 years. I’ll have to look if this is the last time I saw him live. It would have been the 3rd or 4th time I think. I thankfully grew a beard a few...
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I was at that show.