Hello, I am Alvalanker, Happy To Be Here

Hello, I am Alvalanker, Happy To Be Here

Huge Frank Zappa fan, my dad played me We're Only In It For the Money when I was a little kid and I was totally mesmerized with the sounds and the funny lyrics, it just blew me away.  Then in my 30's as a professional guitar player, a few tours under my belt, I decided I needed to get better at guitar, and I needed a real challenge, so I started listening and learning Van Halen songs, and I still am, I think it will take a lifetime to learn all his licks perfectly.  I am excited about playing guitar again because of Eddie, and inspired to continue to make music.  You can check out my music, just google Alvalanker, that's me.  If you like Frank Zappa, you will probably like my stuff haha.  Love you, Dweezil and everything you do for rock and roll and the guitar, and your dad is an absolute God and Legend and will be forever.

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