DZ Reward site guidelines for posts?

DZ Reward site guidelines for posts?

I'm exploring the site and getting comfortable, but I have a question on how to use the site.

Should Forum be used for ongoing communal topics, and Blog posts for long-form article type posts?

Doesn't seem like the Forum gets used the way I'm used to on other sites, and it seems like Blog posts are being used the way I would have the thought the Forum is for.

Any suggestions for this site as it develops? Thanks

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As the site develops, it's possible that the distinction between forum basketball grid and blog posts might become clearer, or the usage patterns might shift. Stay engaged and enjoy being a part of the community!

Junior F.

Simply complete your narrative missions until you are given the assignment to spy out the DZ.

Firol C.



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David W.

What do you mean? I don't understand.

Emilyy E.

Simply progress through your story missions until you have a mission to scout out the DZ. Then complete the mission; you will be placed in your own instance, so you will not be bothered by other players.


You may generally post as you wish. Simply do not publish any spam or disruptive content. You seem like a good egg. So, knock yourself out.

There will improvements made here, in the near future that will help bring more interaction and unity to DZ’s unique music community.



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