
Hi Dweezil, 


I just say: thank you, it’s a fantastic ode to King Edward and a listening pleasure.


Jurre from the Netherlands 



Kurt M.

Great episodes with Steve.  Love hearing the excitement.  Very cool you touched on the Variac and rebiasing the amp.  Thats what I did and man; it nails the tone.  One thing no one talks about; or they didn't notice, was Eddies amp in all the pics has a larger choke.  Larger choke; higher voltage, more sustain and tighter bass response.  I am having a bigger choke added to my Plexi right now.  Anyway; I really enjoyed hearing you guys break apart each tune.  Can't wait to hear what Paul Gilbert has to say.  And if he will accept Steve Vai's challenge! LOL 

Leonard R.


Steve S.

Great, great stuff Dweezil. Thank you

Fab S.

Dweezil, happy Thanksgiving! I really enjoyed the first part and can’t wait to get into your and Steve Vai‘s analysis of VHI - track by track.

Q:  no analysis of Women and Children First?


Hi Fabricio, Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Glad you're enjoying the episodes. Episode 2 is only a few hours away. Don't worry, we are doing an analysis of Women And Children First. In fact, I'm recording with Steve Lukather tomorrow to discuss that album and many other things. Best, DZ

Kurt M.

Hi; I just downloaded the Steve Vai part of season 1.  But not seeing the other episodes in the bundle.  Are they all available?  Or are they not out yet?  Was really wanting to hear the Paul Gilbert episode.  Thanks!  Kurt


Hi Kurt,

Thanks for jumping in on "Runnin' With The Dweezil." The episodes are still in production and will be rolling out weekly. Episode 2, which is part 2 of my discussion with Steve Vai, premieres this Thursday at noon PST. Paul Gilbert follows up the next week, and we discuss the VH II album. He plays a lot of guitar on that episode too which is a real treat! Best, DZ

Kurt M.

Thanks Dweezil.  I will look forward to it. 


Thank you, Dweezil. Was confused re which player to play from but that solved it. The first episode was seriously fantastic. Looking forward to them all. All the best to you and the fam. 


Glad your problem was solved! Also glad you enjoyed the episode! Stay tuned for part 2 with Steve Vai, this Thursday at noon pst.

Robert Y.

Thanks DZ!   That solved it!  Thank you so much for making this podcast happen! I'm looking  forward to seeing you again in St. Louis! Take care and stay safe!!! Peace!  


Great! I'm glad it's working for you! Best, DZ

Robert Y.

Can anyone help me ..... I bought the bundle and can only get 5 min of episode number 1.  Am I missing something?


Hi Rob,

I see you bought the 5150 bundle. When you were trying to listen to the episode were you listening from the 5150 bundle audio player or the Early Years audio player? The 5150 audio player should stream the complete episode audio for you and allow you to download it as well. The Early Years player will only let you hear 5 minutes as a preview. If the 5150 player is not working for you, we will definitely troubleshoot and solve the problem for you. Please keep me posted.

Sorry for the delay in your enjoyment and thanks for your patience.. Best, DZ


Is there some reason why every time I go to play the first episode it stops at 5 minutes?


Hi Tiger Baby and Robert,

I'm sorry that is happening. It should not be the case. Can you tell me if you're able to download the file? Iwant to make sure to get this fixed for you asap.


nice work....It is always good to hear Steve talk about stuff.